Polarization Affecting Asset Allocation in the Economy

Political polarization is hitting the U.S. economy in new and unexpected ways. It’s even affecting how assets are allocated. In a study by SMU Cox Finance Professor Tarun Patel and co-authors, political polarization was shown to impact the economy through a study of mergers. When firms and their employees had more similar political views, they were more likely to announce a merger, complete it faster and perform better on profitability measures. In more recent years, the impact of polarization has become more evident and costly. The antidote: get along and find common ground. 


Emissions Disclosures by U.S. Manufacturers Shows Reductions: The Reasons Why Surprise

When Accounting Professor Sorabh Tomar of SMU Cox set out on his research journey about greenhouse gas emissions disclosures by facilities, he expected they would receive direct pressure from outside forces like investors, environmental groups and regulators to reduce emissions levels. Instead he found that the facilities, America’s plants and manufacturers, were more concerned with their local peers’ emissions disclosures. He found that public disclosure helped industries become more efficient and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

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